Homemade Jerky, pt. 2
Yesterday I went over the details to making homemade jerky, prepping the batch for cooking.
The recipe calls for placing the strips directly on the oven racks, using suggested jerky screens from Hi Mountain, but each time I've made it I simply cook it on a nonstick pan.

It's best to cook the jerky at the lowest oven setting. As far as time goes, wise information from my father is to cook the jerky for as long as your personal taste preference wants it to be cooked, and since it's at the lowest setting, that could be quite some time. This morning I put the jerky in the oven at 9:30 a.m and took it out just a few moments ago, 1:30 pm....

..... and I've got to tell you, it's absolutely amazing.

M Lundy is the Creator of 303 Home | Loft | Wellness and 24/7 creative type. :)